Friday, October 14, 2011


Author's Note: I found the picture below on National Geographic.  When I saw this picture I thought it was a black bird with a yellow beak and legs and it was flying above a sidewalk with rose petals.  I showed it to Ashton and she thought it looked like a biker, I didn't see that.  The picture is called Cyclist, Dublin.  It really made me think about the perspective of things and how everyone will see something different.  

Clouds, I may see
A bunny
You may see
A tree

Point of view
Gives different meaning
To a story,
 a picture,
a scene
It makes the everybody, everything

A scribble to me
Can be art to you
Either a bird or a plane

Makes everything special in
a different way
And shows the world in
a million views


  1. That was a really neat post! It flowed together really well, and your author's note was amazing. If I had skipped your author's note, I would have wondered why you didn't write about a cyclist.. nice job! I love how it was open form, and you didn't worry about how many lines it was per stanza. This was really an awesome poem, you are such an amazing writer!

  2. I really liked your poem, because you are right about perspective. Everyone has a different view of things. I like the examples you used, too. I can see the bird in the cyclist picture, but I can't see what the wheels would be. I like your author's note, because without it the rest of your post wouldn't make that much sense to me. Terrific job sister!

  3. I love your word choice! It really paints, get it, a picture in my head and I can understand your point of view. Also, I am thankful that I read your Author's Note because at first I didn't, but then I did and was like,
    "Whoa, I get it now"
    Well DONE!
