Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mount Rainier

Author's Note: I felt like doing a short poem so I decided to do a haiku.  A haiku is a poem usually about nature and the lines are five, seven, and five syllables.  I like to go on National Geographic and look at the nature pictures for ideas. 

Mount Rainier Seattle, WA
Great, snow-capped mountains
Blossomed flowers, swaying grass
A picturesque scene 


  1. Well, I always love nearly everything you do, so I'm going to skip to the teaching bit; haiku is really a reflection of a cultural appreciation for simplicity, and efficiency in expression. They are most often used as meditative devices, allowing the readers to build a concrete image in their minds, and by picturing that image, invoke certain responses -- thoughts or feelings. I think if you wish to write this form, all the power to you. It is a beautiful form, and when done correctly, is the distilled essence of all poetry at its best. See me so we can talk further about the implications of my comments:)

  2. Mai,

    I really enjoyed reading this piece. I liked how you were able to explain the picture in only 12 words.

  3. I really love your word choice when you used picturesque. And I also like how you were able to explain the picture in only 12 words
