Monday, December 5, 2011


Author's Note: I have been waiting forever for snow.  Today the snow finally stayed on the ground and kept on falling down.  I'm so excited and I felt like doing a open poem on it. I was working on word choice in the poem.  Please leave me feedback!

Falling, swaying, flying
Blissfully flowing in the breeze,
Sitting neatly on branches or rooftops,
Creating fluffy, white blankets on the ground,
Light and gentle, flowing down.


  1. This poem is very you -- soft, gentle, patient. Well done. It is a light topic with appropriate treatment, conveying a message we can all relate to.

  2. Auntie Trang from TXDecember 8, 2011 at 10:47 AM

    Hmmmmm I feel like I am in the midst of snow - in Texas. The poem is fluid yet soft and light (just like Mr J. pointed out)...Nice job Mai.

  3. Hello Mai,
    I love your poem the word choice was great. Keep up the great job!!
